find a good pet food container

If you have a big dog, or multiple dogs, and go through alot of dry dog food you likely need a pet food container.  Containers come in all sorts of sizes.   Most have a basic plastic construction and design, like huge tupperware bins.   However, if you would like a container that blends in nicely with your home decor there are stylish wood options of varying colors.   Pricing can range from as low as $10 to upwards of $300 for the models that are wood and are designed nicely to look like furniture.

Given the large variety of direct to consumer dog food options that have popped up in the past 1-2 years, you might also consider signing up for a dog food weekly delivery subscription.  These services offer a variety of organic/healthy dog kibble and might be something to consider in place of buying huge quantities of dry dog food for which you need a storage container.

If you’re not yet ready to convert to a dog food subscription service, we have key features to look for as you shop for the best pet food containers.

criteria to consider

  • Size/Capacity - this may be one of the most important aspects to consider since you are trying to solve a problem of having enough food available. Think about how much dog food your dog eats in 2-3 weeks and look for a size that will hold at least that much. Storage bins usually state how many pounds of food they hold, with 25 and 50 pounds being common sizes. Of course there are larger sizes and even smaller sizes designed for dog food storage while traveling.

  • Airtight/Pest Proof - humidity and moisture are enemies to longevity of dog kibble. Look for a pet food container that can be sealed tightly to keep air (and moisture in air) OUT

  • Food Safe BPA Free - BPA was a chemical used in some plastics years ago. Over the past years, it has been removed, most notably in our family from every youth soccer water bottle 🙂 It had the potential to cause cancer and there are dog food bins that clearly say they are "BPA Free"
  • Wheels/Handles - this may be a lower priority item. However, if you have a need to move the storage bin and it weighs more than 30 pounds, you may appreciate a bin that has wheels and handles

  • Transparent/See-through - also likely a lower priority item but it may be helpful to be able to quickly see how low Fido's food is getting.

  • Style/Appearance - last, but maybe not least for some people ! The majority of dog food bins are basic plastic with very limited style. However, there are higher-end options that are made of wood and are stained or painted and look like a nice piece of furniture.

pet food containers

pet food container

Important Advice

  • Temperature/Humidity - both can be damaging to dry dog food. As mentioned above, moisture will damage dry dog kibble so if you live in a humid area try to avoid keeping the storage bin in a garage or shed that is not air conditioned. The temperature should also be below 95 degrees and much lower temperatures can help preserve dry dog food for longer time periods

  • Original Dog Food Bag Protection - consider putting the dog food bad in the storage bin. This may seem redundant ... why have a storage bin AND a bag inside the bin ? The dog food companies have spent money and time developing the dog food bag with properties to protect the food and maximize it's "shelf life"

  • Consider a Dog Food Subscription - MANY compaines have started offering subscription services in which they deliver dog kibble directly to your door. Maybe rather than hefting bulk bags of dog food from the store to your car and in to your house, one of these companies could make your life easier. Generally, the food is as healthy or healthier than the bulk bag food at a pet store or big box store and there's a huge convenience factor with it being sent directly to you on a regular schedule.