We all love our pets and if they need vet care we want to be able to help them and it would great to NOT worry about the cost.  Insurance can help with this but what does pet insurance cover ?   We have a comparison chart below showing the major pet insurance companies and what they offer.

When considering insurance for your pet the first item that is likely on your mind is cost.   We ran a quote for our dog Max on FIGO and got quotes ranging from about $62 to $125 per month.  This is obviously a wide range and is based on the amount of annual benefits covered.   At $62/mo, the annual benefits are $5,000.  At $112/mo, the annual benefits are $10,000.   The $125/mo offers $20,000 in annual coverage.   Other factors affecting the monthly cost are your pets age, sex and breed.

You can see in the table below that the cost ranges significantly across insurance companies.   Many companies offer coverage at the $60-$70/mo cost, and for more coverage and lower deductibles, the cost goes up to $75 – $420/mo ! 

Take a look at the table below to see quotes we received for Max and details about items the various insurance companies cover.

what does pet insurance cover
Cost for our dog Max (every pet has different quotes) $62 - $125/mo $151 - $420/mo $71 - $218/mo $77.50/mo $62 - $76/mo
Chronic Conditions
Annual Deductible
A Variety of Plans for Illness/Injury
Unlimited Lifetime Benefit Plan
Chat with Live Vet 24/7
Customer Service on Facebook
Customer Service Through Texts
Online Chat Customer Service
Pet Records Stored Online
Submit Claim via Mobile App
Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions
Prescriptions included w/o fee
Includes Chiropractor and Acunpuncture
Includes Advanced Cancer Services
Has Upper Age Limits
100% Reimbursement Available

some items you should consider

our quote from figo pet insurance

In our review of pet insurance companies, Figo appears to have a nice balance of payment ranges and features provided.    They have in fact won they #1 pet insurance recognition from Reviews.com in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Here is a table showing details of the quote we received from Figo for our dog: 

Figo pet insurance quote
what is covered in pet insurance?