What is the Best Dog Food Delivery Service ?

Over the past few years, many dog food delivery services have launched under the direct to consumer business model.   This is great for pet parents because there are so many options for having dog food delivered to your house.   Obviously the convenience of not needing to go to the store every few weeks is a big win.  But, what is the best dog food delivery service?

Delivery to your door is great but there are also big benefits for the health of your dog !   The majority of the delivery services were founded because they saw problems with the “old school” dog food from years past.   Their mission is to provide healthier food for fido : )     But with at least 15-20 (or more) dog food delivery services, how do you choose the best for you ?

best dog food delivery service

We compare some of the top names in dog food delivery, including:

  • Jinx Dog Kibble
  • Wild Earth Dog Food
  • Spot & Tango Dry Dog Food
  • Bond Animal-Free Dog Food
  • Just Food for Dogs Human-Grade Dog Food

Each RAISES THE BAR for dog food. They all contain more natural ingredients than dog food from decades ago while also deliberately excluding any fillers, artificial ingredients and chemicals.

The first step in evaluating these options is to determine if you want dry kibble or fresh/frozen wet food for your dog. Then, there are unique characteristics of each brand that we have highlighted below that may help you finalize your decision. Finally, there is price and how much one brand costs relative to other brands. Please see the summary table below to help you decide which dog food delivery service is best for you.

compare dog food delivery services

Jinx Wild Earth Spot & Tango Bond
Cost ONE TIME PURCHASE - $25 (4lb bag) - $45 (10lb bag)
SUBSCRIPTION save 10% - $22.50 (4lb bag) - $40.50 (10lb bag)
Jinx Website
ONE TIME PURCHASE - $23.20 (4lb bag) - $56 (18lb bag)
SUBSCRIPTION - $26 for a 4lb bag every 50 days - $63 for a 18lb bag every 50 days
- starts at $7/week for UnKibble - starts at $15/week for Fresh
- pricing varies based on weight and age of your dog
currently starting their rollout of products (May 2020)
What makes it UNIQUE ? organic ingredients
no corn or wheat or fillers
VEGAN - no animal products used
uses fungi as basis of protein
described as Human-Grade and Gluten-free Does not use typical process for animal protein
uses process similar to craft beer brewing to generate protein from animal cells
Just Food for Dogs Spot & Tango
Cost $5.95 – $11.95 for “Fresh Frozen”
18oz $22.45 – $42.45 for 72oz
- starts at $7/week for UnKibble - starts at $15/week for Fresh
What makes it UNIQUE? Company uses Human-Grade ingredients
Prides itself on ingredients from same suppliers that restaurants use
Also marketed as Human-Grade and additionally Gluten-free

What is the Best Dry Dog Food?

Our dog Max likes Jinx dog kibble.    The company has worked with nutritionists to produce natural dry dog food having superfoods and probiotics and real food such as salmon, sweet potato and avocado If you prefer Vegan food for your dog, consider Wild Earth Dog Food. This food does not use any animal products and is actually based on eco-friendly fungi. The company was featured on Shark Tank and Mark Cuban is an investor.

What is the Best Fresh Dog Food Delivery?

A top contender for best fresh dog food delivery is Just Food for Dogs.   In a National Business Research Institute Survey of over 15,000 Vets, they were recommended more than other fresh dog foods.

What is the Best Chicken Free Dog Food?

A great option for Chicken free dog food is Wild Earth Dog Food. Their mission is to restrict all animal products from their food. Some reports indicate up to 30% of the environmental impact from the meat industry is related to the pet food industry and Wild Earth wants to change that.

What is the Best Dog Food Storage Container?

If you are ordering and buying large amounts of dry dog food, you would likely be interested in information for a good pet food container